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Welcome to the new decade.


2019 proved to be a very challenging year both at work and personally for all of us.  We are optimistic for 2020.




We are aware that several people have tried to make appointments prior to Christmas.  A lot of you will be aware of the new QBCC requirements which started last year.  This has caused a delay in the processing of any individual returns as the information for QBCC had to take priority otherwise we would have had a lot of clients with suspended licences.  This information was due for lodgment by 31 December.


Now that this has been somewhat sorted, we will contact any of those people that were requesting appointments.  We really appreciated your patience with this.  It has caused a huge disruption in our workload.


For those that aren't familiar with QBCC, new laws were brought in by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission to try and put a stop to dodgy builders and so many builders going into liquidation.  A few of our clients have felt the ramifications of this with contractors not being paid for their services.  Certain licences needed to lodge information with QBCC by 31 December.  This basically requires us to bring forward work we would normally do between January and March each year.


This is a new process, but this will now need to be done each year.  For the 2020 financial year, we are waiting instruction from QBCC as to when the information is required.




Notices of Assessment

Due to the royal commission into banking, any finance approval is taking longer and financial institutions are asking for more information.  One of the things they will ask for is the Notice of Assessment.


A notice of assessment is issued once your income tax return has been lodged and assessed.


Please note that if you are registered for myGov, you can access these assessments through myGov. 


If we receive your assessments by paper, we will post these out to you.  We do not keep these.


If you have not lodged a return, you will not have received an assessment.


Please take note of this as many people are calling and asking for information they already have.



Scam phone calls and Emails

Scan phone calls and emails are still happening. Please be careful. The ATO will not call you and leave a message saying that you are about to go to jail.  This can only occur under extreme circumstances. 


The ATO and many other government bodies are quite concerned at the number of people that falling victim to these scams.


If you are unsure if the phone call or email is legitimate:

  • hang up and call the ATO directly yourself.  This will tell you immediately if the phone call is real

  • do not answer any emails.  Call the people that have sent you the email to confirm if this is in fact from them.



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